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Independent Insight for Smarter Shipping

– by AIR, LAND and SEA

Moving You FORWARD

From fuel costs and government regulations to complex global sourcing needs, shipping challenges can have a huge effect on the success of your business. Batten Logistics is an independent, asset-based logistics partner with sources around the world and a strong commitment to personalized customer service. We’ll develop a data-supported shipping strategy that addresses the challenges you face, while saving your company time and money.


Choosing the right airfreight suppliers to help your shipment land safely.


Determining the right ground transportation mode and supplier based on parcel size, timeline and more. 


Meeting global supply needs with ocean freight services from the world’s most trusted providers.

Finding the Mode that Fits Your Needs.

We’ll conduct a careful audit of your current practices and address your unique shipping needs by working with top suppliers specializing in delivery by air, land and sea.


4511 S. 67th Street
Omaha NE 68117

Tel:  402.598.8866

Contact Batten Logistics today and schedule your shipping audit and customized logistics strategy. Or for any general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form:

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